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What did you like about OfficeHours?

We have asked many of our Mentees to fill out a Placed! Typeform asking them various questions about their placement, comp, what their dream firm was coming in, how we helped them, how we can improve, etc. etc. Find some feedback below (taken right from the Typeform)…

What did you like about OfficeHours?

Mentee A

Good platform and helpful coaches

Mentee B

The ongoing and regular support from Rohit and Asif. Coaches are phenomenal and very well pedigreed and great to work with. These were biggest value adds

Mentee C

Unlike most prep companies, OfficeHours strives to prepare you for real interview scenarios by connecting you with current PE associates taking the time to work with you directly. It is so much more than a textbook and practice test, it is a thorough and practical preparation business.

Mentee D

Virtual training modules

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Mentee E

Rohit and Asif genuinely care about helping individuals place at firms with the best fit for them. Not only are the study materials top notch and the mock interviews extremely helpful, but the advice I reviewed over countless phone calls with Rohit and Asif was invaluable to my process and ultimate success

Mentee F

I liked how quickly Rohit, Asif, and all the OfficeHours coaches worked to get me the help I needed. Coming from a non-target school, they helped me navigate the IB recruiting process, ace interviews, and land an offer with an elite boutique. I am thankful for everything OfficeHours has done, and I HIGHLY recommend them!

Mentee G

The getofficehours coaching program is comprehensive, and results driven.

Mentee H

I liked how encompassing the materials and practice interviews were

Mentee I

OfficeHours has a no-nonsense approach to getting you the help and advice you need to improve all aspects of your skill set. For me, their greatest aid was the immediate connection to various high-level industry professionals at a moment’s notice. When I needed to practice and learn the technical nuances of the PCA industry I was mocking with FT PCA analysts and even VPs at excellent banks within minutes.

Mentee J

Calls with coaches are an invaluable resource. The course content is very good, but working with coaches live gave me unique insight and significant confidence in going through the recruiting process

Mentee K

Being able to speak to coaches who worked at the firms I wanted to interview with and do mock interviews that were exactly like the questions I ended up getting in my real interviews was incredibly valuable.

Mentee L

Being able to speak to coaches who worked at the firms I wanted to interview with and do mock interviews that were exactly like the questions I ended up getting in my real interviews was incredibly valuable.

Mentee M

Personalized and all-inclusive learning platform to accelerate recruiting prep with proprietary materials and one-on-one mentorship with industry experts. Would not have placed without office hours.

Mentee N

Best-in-class modeling test bank. Would not have received my offer without the growth equity practice test or deals walkthrough prep.

Mentee O

Great coaches and excellent career advice from Asif and Rohit

Mentee P

OfficeHours is always available and willing to help

Mentee Q

This was the most comprehensive buyside prep available. I thought if I wanted to guarantee I get something I would work with Officehours. If you put in the time you will convert. I also ended up having multiple offers and was able to choose which was very different from Investment Banking where I felt like I had to take whatever I got. The pricing options are also set up for whatever works best for each person. The live coaching prep really helped me nail down my interviewing. The modeling practice also had me going through modeling tests with ease once I got my feet under me a bit more.

Mentee R

Constant contact with Rohit & Asif; availability of coaches

Mentee S

The coaches (Steve specifically was super helpful) and Asif’s follow ups

Mentee T

The personalized advice that helped me play to my strengths during recruiting and overcome obstacles such as geography.

Mentee U

Eagerness / persistence of Rohit and Asif checking in on my process, thoroughness of business intuition / case guides and up to date / refreshed and industry specific technical prep materials

Mentee V

The access to coaches with experience on the buy side help me understand where to focus and what skills I needed to display

Mentee W

Coaches and responsiveness

Mentee X

End to end service offering

Mentee Y

The ability to have direct conversations with Rohit and Asif was incredible. The conversations with SME were impressive and helpful and everyone was extremely personable. End to end product was top notch

Mentee Z

Coaching from Rohit and Asif

Mentee AA

The passion of it’s people towards the interest in my success

Mentee AB

The coaches were amazing and really helped make prepping for everything so much easier

Mentee AC

I loved accessible coaches and mentors were. Any time I had a question, I could just ask. It was so comforting to have someone else going through the process with me. I can’️t imagine going through it without Office Hours.

Mentee AD

The coaching sessions

Mentee AE

The great people I met. I was looking for a mentor

Mentee AF

Personalized one-on-one coaching and mentorship to achieve your ultimate career goals

Mentee AG


Mentee AH

The availability of Asif and Rohit

Mentee AI

The people

Mentee AJ

Opportunity to work with coaches who had experienced a range of outcomes I’m pursuing and getting to stress test my skills / approaches

Mentee AK

Call me

Mentee AL

Loved the opportunity to speak one on one with a person in a role that I aspired to be in. That opportunity was previously reserved for those already well-connected. For me, it gave me the opportunity to both broaden my perspective and begin to craft my story and narrow down what I ultimately wanted to do.

Mentee AM

Rohit and Asif busted their ass to make sure I was as prepared as possible. Left no stone unturned.

Mentee AN

Brought excellent structure to the preparation period, having a sense of timeline, important workstreams and the team to hold you accountable helped me prep well with plenty of time to be confident going into interviews

Mentee AO

The expertise of the mentors and the resources made available to us

Mentee AP


Mentee AQ

Great mentor