July 4th PE Platform Sale! 🎆🇺🇸

Only $74 for Platform Access w/Discount Code: FIRST10

Happy July 4th All! Going to keep today rather simple — we want to celebrate and kick off the second half of the year with a simple offer for the first 10 people that take advantage of the below —

PE Platform Access for $225 OFF =

$74 out of pocket for lifetime access

Our flagship program has placed mentees into most major private equity firms since launching in 2020. We have an intimate understanding of both on-cycle and off-cycle recruiting and have a track record of placing candidates from all backgrounds (both non-target and target). We help you become the most competitive candidate you can be.

Our program supplements self-studying with a hands-on approach on everything you need to know to get the best chance of getting a job in Private Equity.

Self-study on the platform and then receive 1:1 coaching to master your understanding.

This course will include:

  • Lifetime Platform Access

  • Headhunter coverage list and interview guide

  • Paper LBO video walkthrough

  • Two statement LBO guide

  • Three statement LBO from scratch video walkthrough

  • 5+ LBO modeling tests

  • Tech specific modeling guides

  • Growth equity cohort and cap table models

  • Case study frameworks

  • Business intuition guide for verbal cases

  • 5+ case studies

Perfect for ONCYCLE and OFFCYCLE recruiting

Has helped folks get into Megafunds, UMM, Middle-Markets, First-time Funds and Many Growth Equity Funds

Freshly, recently updated

analysts and consultants

• We assume you have a baseline knowledge of excel and powerpoint given your day job

• We also assume you have a high level understanding of what PE is and why you want to pursue it

• The goal of this course is to help you drill down on specific interview prep in the most efficient way possible and ultimately secure a job offer

• We developed a customized set of training materials that we pair alongside 1:1 coaching with real buyside professionals to help differentiate yourself from the competition

Private Equity Course Curriculum Overview

  • Module 1 - Buyside Recruiting 101

    Lessons: Introduction to OfficeHours (start here!), Private Equity 101, Headhunter 101, Resume Review, Module 1 Conclusion and Next Steps

  • Module 2 A): Paper LBO

    Lessons: Paper LBO

  • Module 2 B): Two Statement LBO Modeling

    Lessons: Transaction Overview + Sources and Uses, Income Statement Modeling, Cash Flow Modeling, Debt Schedules & Interest Expense, Return Modeling & Sensitivities | Exam,

  • Module 2 C):Three Statement LBO Modeling

    Lessons: Sources and Uses, IS, BS & CFS, Debt Schedule, Returns Analysis and Sensitivities

  • Module 2 D): Additional LBO Practice

    Lessons: 3 Statement LBO Modeling Test Prompt 1, On-Cycle LBO Test 2, 3 Statement LBO Modeling Test Prompt 3, TMT Modeling Exercise 1, OfficeHours SaaS Growth Buyout Modeling Test (Hard)

  • Module 3 A): Case Studies Guides

    Lessons: Business Intuition Guide, Long Form Case Guide

  • Module 3 B): Case Study Practice

    Lessons: TSI | Generalist Case Study | Buyout, Qualtrics | Tech | Buyout and Growth, Mimecast | Tech | Buyout and Growth, Roblox | Tech | Late Stage VC and Growth, Cohort and Cap Table Analysis | Growth, Special Situations Case 1, Zuora | Take Private SaaS Case | Buyout and Growth, Thematic Case Studies for VC and Growth Investing

  • Module 4 A): Deal Walkthrough

    Lessons: Deal Walkthrough

  • Module 5): Technical Guides

    Lessons: LBO Questions, Accounting Technical Guide, Finance Technical Guide, Valuation Technical Questions, M&A Technical Questions

  • Module 6: Behavioral Guides

    Lessons:: Network & Outreach 101, Behavioral Interview Guide

Celebrating 5 Years of Placements (2020-2024) - Empowering Dreams and Unlocking Opportunities! #getofficehours đź’Ş

Don't just take our word for it; let our current OfficeHours Mentees do the talking!

  • “I see you guys all over LinkedIn and have been reading the newsletters since the beginning, in a market like this so long you’re alive you’re doing well — however, you guys seem like you’re THRIVING.”

  • “You guys are like bringing science to the interview process, no wonder why you’ve had so many placements”

  • “WFH is literally back — TALK ABOUT A LUCKY TIME FOR ANYONE RECRUITING” (Everyone)

  • “I loved how accessible coaches and mentors were. Any time I had a question, I could just ask. It was so comforting to have someone else going through the process with me. I can’t imagine going through it without Office Hours.” (EB)

  • “You guys are like the new WSO — WSO is full of trollers anyway, really tough to get access to any validated information.” (small boutique)

  • “Last thing you want to be is STUCK in a DOWN-CYCLE being a banking analyst thinking I should’ve recruited before when there were more opportunities.”


At OfficeHours, we believe that success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Success is what you define it to be, based on your own values, passions, and goals.

And we're here to help you achieve it!

Level up your career now! 🔥 Take the leap today! 🚀💪

A Few Reads to Digest

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